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The top tax rate threshold in Denmark is at a lower income level than in Norway and Finland – Sweden has repealed its top tax rate

Udgivet d.

28. februar 2020 - 13:25


The top tax rate threshold in Denmark is at a lower income level than in Norway and Finland – Sweden has repealed its top tax rate

  • The top tax rate threshold in Denmark is at a lower income level than in Norway and Finland.
  • Increasing the top tax rate threshold (DKK 499,000) to the same level as Norway would mean a top tax rate threshold of DKK 626,000 (measured in 2018-kroner ). That would increase employment by approximately 4,500 persons and reduce the number of top tax rate payers from 470,000 to 225,000 persons.
  • If the top tax rate threshold was raised to the level of Finland, the top tax rate threshold would be DKK 733,000. That would increase employment by approx. 5,700 persons and reduce the number of top tax rate payers from 470,000 to 136,000 persons.
  • January 1 of this year, Sweden repealed its top bracket-tax – also known as “Värnskatten.” In 2018, the Swedish top tax rate was applied at an income level equivalent of a DKK 578,000 level in Denmark.

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