CEPOS inviterer til Free Market Road Show - Hvad er vejen til holdbar vækst?

05 maj 2015, 15:00 - 05 maj 2015, 17:45
Bredgade 30, 1260 København K

Hvad skal der til for at sikre en holdbar vækst for fremtiden? Hvilken rolle bør det frie marked spille? Og hvilke aktører kan vise sig afgørende i at skabe væksten på den lange bane?

Det var blot nogle af de spørgsmål, vi stillede, da den internationale tænketanks-turné Free Market Road Show (FMRS) besøgte CEPOS tirsdag d. 5. maj kl . 15.00 - 17.45.

FMRS er et initiativ af the Austrian Economics Center (AEC) som, i samarbejde med en række internationale tænketanke og universiteter, turnerede 35 europæiske hovedstader i foråret 2015.

Vi mødte bl.a. Senior Fellows Dan Mitchell og Richard Rahn fra Cato Institute, Chairman Terry Anker, fra Anker Consulting Group, direktør Barbara Kolm for Austrian Economics Center, stifter og direktør af Xoco Cocoa Company Frank Homann, cheføkonom for the Black Summit Financial Group inc. John E. Charalambakis, professor i økonomi ved Aarhus Universitet Christian Bjørnskov, chefredaktør for Dagbladet Børsen Anders Krab-Johansen og direktør i CEPOS Martin Ågerup.

Dato: Tirsdag d. 5. maj

Daniel J. Mitchell: Dan Mitchell is a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute in Washington, DC. He is one of the nation’s experts on fiscal policy, particularly tax reform, the economic burden of government spending, and tax competition. He’s been published in dozens of outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Journal of Regulation and Social Cost, Emory Law Journal, Forbes, USA Today, Offshore Investment, and Playboy and has appeared on all the major networks, including CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC and C-SPAN. Dan earned a Ph.D. in economics from George Mason University and undergraduate and Masters degrees from the University of Georgia.

Terry W. Anker: As Chairman of The Anker Consulting Group, Inc., Mr. Anker has served as an advisor and owner in several small concerns including the retail, wholesale distribution and service industries as well as the public sector. Presently, Mr. Anker spends much of his time advising small business throughout Indiana on the acquisition of capital from public and private sources. His business interests include Moody Meats, Flat 12 Bierwerks, a Midwestern-based call center and the Anker Receivership Group. Also, Mr. Anker is the Associate Editor and Partner of Current Publishing, LLC. Its holdings include 11 local newspapersyouarecurrent. He is one of the founders of Monument Advisors, LLC (www.monumentadv.com), a mezzanine bank serving the capital and financial services needs of business concerns throughout the Midwest andpreferred partner INC a reseller of computer software and services. And, he has served as a Director on the Board of Symons International Group (formerly NASDAC: SIGC), an insurance holding company and IGF, a large multi-state crop insurance concern. Additionally, he is a member of Mont Pellerin Society, numerous professional training and education seminars and an alumnus of the Stanley K. Lacy Leadership Development and a weekly newspaper columnist.

Richard W. Rahn: Richard W. Rahn is a senior fellow of the Cato Institute, the Chairman of the Institute for Global Economic Growth, and a syndicated economic columnist. He serves on the editorial board of the Cayman Financial Review. Previously, Dr. Rahn was a member of the Board of the Cayman Island Monetary Authority and Vice President and Chief Economist of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. He was the founder of the Novecon companies, including Sterling Semiconductor. Dr. Rahn testified before the U.S. Congress on economic issues more than seventy-five times, and is a frequent commentator on radio and TV. He served as an economic advisor to numerous high-level government officials around the world, including former President George H.W. Bush, and as the co-chairman of the Bulgarian Economic Growth and Transition Project. He holds Ph.D. from Columbia University, and was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws by Pepperdine University.

Barbara Kolm: President of the Friedrich A. v. Hayek Institute in Vienna, Austria and Director of the Austrian Economics Center. Being a worldwide networker she uses these abilities to promote free market policies; in addition she is a frequent speaker on public policy related issues, especially on deregulation and competition topics, the Future of Europe and Austrian Economics. Barbara Kolm is an Associate Professor of Austrian Economics at the University of Donja Gorica, Montenegro and a member of the Board of Business Consultants of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber and a Member of the Mont Pélerin Society. She is President of the European Center for Economic Growth.

John E. Charalambakis: John E. Charalambakis is the Chief Economist for the Blacksummit Financial Group Inc., in the United States. He has studied economics and finance in Greece, the U.S., and the United Kingdom. He has consulted with numerous organizations, corporations, non-profit groups, as well as government entities in several countries. Dr. Charalambakis has been teaching economics and finance in the US for the last twenty years. Currently he teaches economics at the Patterson School of Diplomacy & International Commerce at the University of Kentucky. He is the recipient of many awards, the author and editor of three books and of numerous articles, has served on corporate boards, has appeared on economic and financial TV shows, and is a frequent conference and seminar speaker. Recently he assisted the Congressional Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC) in their research regarding the causes of the financial crisis. Dr. Charalambakis interests are in the area of international financial markets, forecasting, asset allocation, and the development of viable policies that advanced economic wellbeing among nations.

Frank Homann: Founder and CEO at Xoco Fine Cocoa CompanyXoco is a first mover in the emerging market for supplying fine cocoa to gourmet chocolate makers. We have reinvented the industry by planting millions of new trees with outgrowers in Central America. Our beans have been used for making award winning chocolate worldwide.

Christian Bjørnskov:Professor at Aarhus UniversityMSc (Economics), Aarhus University, 2001, PhD (Economics), Aarhus School of Business Primary research areas Social Trust and Informal Institutions Public Choice / New Institutional Economics Subjective Well-Being and Life Satisfaction Trade Theory / International Economics Job experience (academic)

Anders Bjørn Krab-Johansen: Editor-in-chief and CEO at the Danish business newspaper Børsen. He holds an M.A. in political science from the University of Copenhagen, and an M.Sc. in journalism from Columbia University.

Martin Ågerup: Martin Ågerup is President of CEPOS. He is an economist and an economic historian from Bristol University and the University of Exeter. Ågerup is the author of several books on economy and societal issues. Furthermore, he is a frequent debater in Danish radio, TV and newspapers and has been named one of the most influential debaters in Denmark. Under his leadership, CEPOS has been highlighted for its work by the American Atlas Foundation amongst others. 

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