Freedom Rights Project konference: Human Rights Seminar

30 jan 2014, 09:00 - 30 jan 2014, 17:00

Torsdag d. 30. januar 2014 afholdte tænketanken Freedom Rights Project et seminar om internationale menneskerettigheder på Christiansborg.

Yder menneskerettighedsbegrebet forsat den nødvendige beskyttelse af basale menneskerettigheder? Eller er der over de seneste år sket en øget inflation, som har medvirket til at udvande frem for styrke menneskerettighederne? Og hvad er løsningen? Det er blot nogle af de spørgsmål, som en række internationale og førende forskere, eksperter og samfundsdebattører vil have fokus på under konferencen.

Seminaret var bl.a. foranlediget af af CEPOS' chefjurist Jacob Mchangama, som også er medstifter af Freedom Rights Project.

Se video, billeder og præsentationer fra konferencen:


09:00-09:05 - Welcome/opening of the conference, Jacob Mchangama, Managing Director, The Freedom Rights Project

Morning Session: The state of international human rights

09:05-09:15 - Opening of the first session/introduction of speakers and theme, Dr. Aaron Rhodes, Co-Founder and Principal Investigator The Freedom Rights Project

09:15-09:45 Keynote address, Jonas Bering Liisberg, Ambassador, Under Secretary for Legal Affairs, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

09:45-10:15 Dr. Emilie Hafner-Burton, Professor, School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, University of California, San Diego

10:15-10:45 Jacob Mchangama, Managing Director, The Freedom Rights Project

10:45-11:00 Coffee break with fresh fruit

11:00-11:30 David Keyes, Executive Director, Advancing Human Rights

11:30-12:00 Panel Discussion including comments from Paula G. Schriefer, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, US Department of State Questions from the audience to follow, moderated by Dr. Aaron Rhodes

12:00- 13.00 Lunch

Afternoon Session: The role of human rights bodies

13:00-13:10 Opening of second session/introduction of speakers and theme, Jacob Mchangama

13:10- 13:40 Krister Thelin, Former Member United Nations Human Rights Committee

13.40- 14:10 Dr. Rosa Freedman, Lecturer, Birmingham Law School, University of Birmingham

14:10-14:40 Mikael Rask Madsen, Director of iCourts Centre of Excellence & Professor, University of Copenhagen

14:40-15:00 Coffee and cake

15:10-15:40 Paula G. Schriefer, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, US Department of State


15:40-16.10 Guglielmo Verdirame, Professor King’s College London and Co-Founder of The Freedom Rights Project

16:10-17:00 Panel Discussion & Questions from the audience, moderated by Jacob Mchangama

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